Get started with IRIScan Desk

Everything you need to get up and running

User guides for IRIScan Desk

English - German - Français - Español - Italiano - Nederland

User guides for IRISmart Security

English - German - Français - Español - Italiano - Nederland

Installation & Activation guide for IRISmart Security

English - German - Français - Español - Italiano - Nederland




What's in the box ?

Discover the content of the box of your IRIScan Desk

How to scan a document ?

Discover how to scan a document in IRIScan Desk. You'll see, it's very easy!

How to scan a book ?

Discover how to scan a book in IRIScan Desk

How to scan with the shutter button ?

Thanks to its shutter button, IRIScan Desk lets you scans documents without using your mouse or keyboard.

How to scan the Front and back of the book ?

Discover how to scan the front and the back of your book


IRIScan Desk 5 can scan and export to multiple PDF formats


IRIScan Desk 5 can scan and export to Word formats


Learn how to scan and export your books to epub format

How to use the video mode ?

Discover how to film videos with your IRIScan Desk

How to scan a barcode and export to an Excel file?

IRIScan Desk can scan barcodes and send them to Excel.

How to scan business cards and export to Cardiris ?

Scan your business cards using IRIScan Desk and export them to multiple formats using Cardiris.

How to scan an ID card and export to an Excel file ?

IRIScan Desk can scan ID cards and send them to Excel.

How to scan MRZ ID and passport ?

IRIScan Desk can recognize MRZ and export data. Discover how to do it.

How to scan a passport and export to an Excel file ?

Discover how to scan a passport and export it to Excel.


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