Convert your PDF documents to WORD

"I enjoy cooking and I love to try new recipes. I often find that the proportions aren't quite right or that an ingredient is missing. It's hard to make those changes in a book without ruining it. My solution is to scan the recipe and then edit it in Word using Readiris 16. This lets me change the quantities and/or the ingredients, and then I save the file. Then I know that the recipe will be exactly the way I want it next time."

by Anna, age 67

Convert your documents to audio files

"It's always a rush in the morning. Even if I leave early, I get stuck in traffic jams. In that situation there is generally not much to do, apart from staring at the person in the next car or listening to the radio. It's even more frustrating when I think about all the documents I will have to read and deal with when I finally get to the office. Since discovering Readiris, I can really make the most of my travel time. I convert my documents to audio format and I listen to them calmly during my journey. This saves me an incredible amount of time and annoyance. "

by Paul, age 42

Make your documents editable

"At work, I belong to a team that deals with foreign contacts. My manager often asks me for a summary of a magazine article that was published in a foreign language I don't speak. At first, this made me panic and I used to ask friends on social networks if they knew a speaker of the relevant language who could help me quickly. Now I use Readiris. I scan my documents and convert them into an editable document. Then I input the text into a translation app and I can easily understand what is written. I must admit that I could no longer live without it. It's a life-saver. "

by Rosa, age 36
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