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This page contains the information you need for the following products:

  • IRIScan Mouse 2 Executive

This product, IRIScan Mouse, is in its end of life phase and will no longer be produced or updated by our teams. This may cause issues with recent versions of Windows 10-11 and macOS

IRIScan Mouse
Use the download links below to obtain the files needed to install IRIScan Mouse:
File Name File Size Version Important Download
IRIScan Mouse 2
320MB Mac: 10.11 up to 10.14
Windows: 7 - 8 - 10 - 11
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Do you need complete instructions for using the IRIScan Mouse 2 Executive ? Consult the following manuals:
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Scanner Specifications

Scanning technology: Slam Scan
Sensor in the mouse: laser sensor (1200 dpi)
Buttons: Four (left click, right click, wheel, scan button)
Output format: PDF / JPG / TIFF / BMP / PNG / XLS / DOC
Area covered: A4 (up to A3 for a high-performance computer)
Electrical power consumption: 0.625 W
Scanning resolution: 400 DPI
Scanning speed: up to 2 pages/minute
USB: 2.0
Battery life (WiFi Mouse only): Rechargeable built-in lithium battery / 3.7 V / gr
WiFi specifications (WiFi Mouse only): 2.4-GHz digital channel (mouse function) / IEEE802.11n (scanning)

System Requirements

Windows® software
- CPU: Processor Intel® Core 2 Duo or higher
- Graphics card: Intel® Standard Graphics or higher graphics cards with 512 VRAM
- RAM: 2 GB
- Hard disk: 1 GB
- Internal or external WiFi adapte: IRIScan Mouse WiFi only
- Windows® operating system: Windows® 7 | Windows® 8 | Windows® 10 or Windows® 11
- Internet connection for software downloading and activation

macOS® software
- CPU: Processor Intel® or Apple-ARM architecture
- RAM: 2 GB
- Hard disk: 1 GB
- Internal or external WiFi adapte: IRIScan Mouse WiFi only
- macOS® operating system: macOS 10.12 -> 10.14 (NOT compatible with macOS Catalina and above)
- Internet connection for software downloading and activation

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